An Update

I love knowing what’s going on with all my friends when they are expecting a baby!  However, it gets a little overwhelming to cover all my bases and let all awaiting friends and family know the latest news, so I am employing this blog as a means of mass information output:-)  Over the next few weeks, I will be as diligent as I can at posting news and pictures to this blog and my Facebook page in an effort to keep all of you praying for us informed.  We plan on taking camera, video camera, and laptop to the hospital, and most hospitals have wireless in the rooms nowadays, so we hope to get our news and even pictures up shortly after he is born!

I had my 38 week appointment this morning, and everything still seems to be going well.  I am “making progress” towards the day, expected to deliver early, but no one really knows when this Little Guy will actually come!  The stats are: measuring at 37 weeks and gained 30 pounds–right in that “average” range:-)

Stephen and I are on edge all the time, wondering if today will be the day!  As anxious as I am to have this little guy born, I remind myself that the longer he can stay incubated, the better it ultimately is for him.

My back has been giving me trouble off and on in increasing measure.  Some days it’s hard to make it from the couch to the kitchen (a distance of about 5 feet).  Other days, like today, I simply feel weighty and achey.  I continue to praise God for how overwhelmingly well my back has handled pregnancy thus far!! Even the hardest days are manageable.

I have been exorbitantly tired and sleeping a LOT. Most days I have been taking at least one nap, sometimes two! Heading to bed early and sleeping in late.  I was thinking the other day how it almost feels as if I am sick, but without yucky symptoms, in that I could pretty much lay on the couch and sleep on and off all day long and then go to bed at 9 and not get up til 9 the next morning!  Extraordinary!

And the HUNGER bug has hit with a vengeance!  Because I am hypoglycemic, I usually miss the “growling stomach” hunger cues and go straight from feeling fine to breaking into a sweat and trying not to faint.  The last couple of weeks, I have actually felt hungry multiple times throughout the day, at which point I rejoice and head to the kitchen to find something delicious to eat, usually string cheese, a pumpkin muffin, or a yogurt popsicle. Yummy!

So we continue to bide our time waiting for Baby Willcox to arrive. As soon as I figure out how, I want to post a couple of short videos (shot on our new video camera!) of the nursery, etc. for your enjoyment.

2 responses to this post.

  1. Posted by Mom on December 21, 2009 at 4:12 am

    Watching the status reports faithfully, and waiting to hear a phone call too!

    All in God’s time…..


  2. Posted by Jenna Sabin on December 24, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    I can’t tell you how happy I am for you guys!! Also, I love what you have written on your blog! I feel so much the same. I have all these little things I want to have done before the baby is born, and when I get the list done I feel really weird. Then I find something else I’d like to have done before he comes. I almost want to cry knowing that someone else knew/knows how I am feeling. I went through a day were I seriously thought I was going into labor and was getting a little excited, but then it stopped. 🙂 Now, I’m just waiting, praying that God will give me the patience and give me very clear signs of when to go to the hospital. With Riley we didn’t have to worry about timing anything, I was already there and ready to be induced when I woke up in hard labor. I am completely amazed at you for going without any pain meds. I loved my drugs, and will probably have them again. Any way, thank you for putting this blog up. I will probably have Jeff read it, since you put together how I’m feeling very clearly. Love you friend, and hope to be able to see your little bundle of joy soon. Please keep putting the pictures up, and you look beautiful!!!!


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